Adrian Gilbert Art
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18/9/14 7:44 AM

So, Spring sprang before I was ready for it again.

Have been trying to get my house in order at the same time as developing new ideas and work. Some of it is going pretty well I think - but it's too early to be sure. As well, there are other regular creative and productive routines one tries to maintain. Routines that are always on the edge of extinction because newer and bigger ideas seem so much more important.

Then there's old ideas too! Suddenly one is reminded of, and distracted by, an older image: 'Have I finished with that? Hmmm, I think that theme/idea could be developed further................'!

The image theme/idea below is one such - and it is now featured in our latest show in the Studio/gallery - but, going back to that question: I remind myself, 'Much of what I've done since this early 1990s painting IS a development of the same theme/idea. Indeed, I'm still trying to make the perfect image from the same stuff! It's just that one's 'approach', or one's way of thinking and working evolves..........................................................................or does it? Maybe it just 'revolves''?


"Rainforest" circa 1990

Acrylic on hardboard - 75cm x 90cm plus frame width.

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